Sunday, February 14, 2010

Copyright Presentation

The copyright presentation by Jason Hardin was extremely interesting and I learned some interesting facts. It was fun to use the clickers during the lecture and see what everyone thought the answer to the questions were. One of the things Hardin talked about that I knew nothing about was the Higher Education Opportunity Act created in 2008. I was really greatful that HEOA made such provisional exceptions for education and made colleges and universities have alternative resources to prevent illegal downloading. What I found most interesting was the Disney Corporation's role in changing copyright law. When Walt Disney's 50th death-day was coming up, the Disney Corporation lobbied at Congress and was able to lengthen the years that the copyright was valid from 50 to 70 years. I can't wait for the 70th death day of Walt Disney to come up and watch that political debate go down. When it comes to the illegal downloading of music, there are usually two kinds of people: one who think that downloading music for free is no big deal and the second who thinks its wrong, but still does it when given the opportunity. I myself fall in the second group and I think copyright over music is nessecary and that the authors should be given the deserved profits from those songs. I personally think that the best way to discourage illegal downloading is the go after the sites that can facilitate such activities rather than the people that may be doing it. It would make it harder for people to illegally download music if such sites and applications did not exist and it would discourage the activity all together.

Creative Commons License
Copyright Presentation by Chelsea Lewis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at

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